Thursday, August 28, 2008


When you make castles at the beach,
I get jealous of the sand.
Sand that clings to your feet,
And, later, when it lands,
Tells its tale to the earth,
Like a traveller full of mirth,
Who has only just returned,
From where even angel-wings get burned.


At August 28, 2008 at 4:19 PM , Blogger Duck said...

Ants crawling on the floor
All the way to the apple core
An unseen road they travel on
Abruptly kiss and then move on.

We are similar or perhaps the same
Just a lot less kissing in our game
An unseen road we travel by
No end in sight. Why even try?

At September 7, 2008 at 7:50 PM , Blogger Duck said...

“The rhythm of life is a powerful beat.” said the wind as it blew couple-colored waves across the surface of the ocean. I sat on the beach, looking outwards, handling a small pebble between my thumb and forefinger. The outer layer of moist sand felt cool and malleable but the stone itself was immutable inside its cover. Gulls flying overhead were the souls of sailors drowned, eulogizing the lives of those who think and yet live. Each wave, like a desperate arm, reached farther out from within the water and every time it would try to compel me, to seduce me to come along. Far away, I saw a flash in the sky and heard the distant rumble of things to come. The god of war and wisdom, poetry and prophesy had spoken yet again. This time, however, I thought I was ready. But then Odin’s finger tips touched the sole of my foot and wiped away the traces of my long walk.

“God did it. I found it because of God. I managed it because of God. I am the vice regent of God!” I love you.

“I suck. Shit…I am utter total shit I must shit on myself and die. I am the excrement of maggots. Shit!” I loathe you.

There are two worlds running parallel to one another. Most people exist in one and some few in the other but then there are those who shift in between. My story is the story of those people. My story is of course unique because all such stories are unique. Unique in the way a tree is unique and then it is also general, in the way that all trees do sort of share a familial similarity. One can usually look at trees and know what they are. These people, of whom I speak, vary tremendously, one from the other, depending upon their subjective movements between these two worlds and their level of control, their degree of immersion and finally, the level of social productivity or acceptance. All of these areas have an effect on one another or they overlap.

At September 9, 2008 at 1:51 AM , Blogger Duck said...

an old song...saved for the purposes of later...thing.

Sitting, watching shadows on the wall
Are they angels laughing at my fall?
Pointing at the gates of hell they shriek:
We will watch this world inherit its meek
O’ king of sand why do you wish for rain?
Have you nothing to lose? Nothing to gain?

I have new shoes, new thoughts, new rules. My friend...
Quiet down, don’t make a sound.
The slave of fire might come back around
Take us all down.


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