Of God and Man or Little Black Heart
He plays me like a yo-yo;
My soul a string unravelled.
Until He calls me back again,
I don't know why I travelled.
he plays me like a yo-yo,
Always has from the start:
he lets me go, I hit the floor,
I hate his fucking heart.
i cannot decide whether it should be hate or love in the last line. at the best and the worst of times the terms are interchangeable. but somehow hate always implies love and love never really does. love is such a fickle whore. hatred is more constant.
thank you. I quite agree. I quite love the poem of course. A bit reluctantly, par naturale. Do you know a good home remedy for candidal vulvovaginitis?
finally. a poem appreciated. albeit reluctantly. there is only one cure for candidal vulvovaginitis. fish.
unfortunately fish is out of season. there is however, a lesser known cure. haji sahab nihari, bathwater of goddesses. used of course.
and i found out. it was meatless that day. we are fools.
* The first stanza pertains to God, the second one to Man.
The difference is marked: the 'h' of the personal pronoun has
been capitalized in the third verse of the first stanza but not in
the fourth verse of the second stanza. I decided I wanted a
particular interpretation of this poem and not any other.
But i've left two titles for it. So that means I still want the other
interpretation to hold. By whatever stretch.
Dude! this is brilliant.
I almost feel Plath's Daddy in here.
Stop caring about the interpretation though.
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