More Rejected Experimentals
Be warned all those who dare to versify and then have the audacity to think that it might not be a bad idea to learn what it is that they're doing. Not knowing is oft (?) better than knowing. Otherwise you'll start saying "oft" in the middle of seemingly normal is going on? I don't know. Thus was born my dish of crap.
Dactyl Trimeter ending in a half Trochee (?) stanza followed by a stanza in Anapaest Tetrameter with a weak or feminine ending...which is surprisingly apt...since it's about a gay brother is not gay...this is just a pointless act of versification. this is what happens when you start reading up on utterly pointless subjects such as poetry. Yes it would be nice to show off later...BUT just suck on the irony of all the jargon...all the heavy duty lingo I just used to describe (correctly I think) eight lines of the stupidest pair of balls you'll ever come across. Pun intended.
I'm just trying to practice so i don't forget all this bull shit...I have to know this so I know why I reject something for a magazine...and so I can give definite answers to the contributors when I do so and thus, I would finally have substantial reasons to reject poetry submitted...but...what if the bastards claim free verse!! This is all frankly driving me nuts...considering how i have recently found out that i have only ever written one true no actually...these things don't really matter...I mean there has to be some sense or something but anyhoo all i've learned so far is to add "just" and "did" and "oft" and "so" and "and" to balance the verse where it becomes a bitch. That being what all the teradactyls I've conjured and be amazed at how sad it all sounds when it's not being applied to a Tennyson or a Blake:
Damn you’re a whore with a face like a box.
Who could pretend to have sucked so much cock?
Won’t you refrain from these acts ludicrous?
Must you be made to behave just like us?
I admit I’m ashamed of how badly he’s dressed
He looks like a bitch and he acts all depressed
He’s a sibling of mine, only one that I have
Of the male persuasion, and yet gay as a hat
(I don't know if all hats are gay...but some actually are.)
Here's a question: is adults pronounced as 'ad-ults' or 'aDults' ? If it's the former then remove the "just" in the fourth line. If it's the latter then keep the damn "just" even though it is entirely stupid. It's all about the stress I'm the one who has stress...
It was a park at night I saw
So full of people proud
The children played with fireworks
The adults just thought it loud.
A crowd of souls was bathed in light
Right here I saw it stand
Illuminating halogen
Spread across the land
Hard it was to see the fear
Buried in their eyes
Eyes that never will reveal
How many tears had dried
"But this is good," said One to me
"For now the mood is set
This is when We celebrate,
All thought must we forget."
I'm not going into's not worth it.
Imabic Pentameter but utterly pointless
If I could find a friend for me my fiend
I would not loathe to rid myself of you.
These lines I write are in a special form
I think it’s called iambic pantaloon.
The dull student will not be quick to learn
But he might still a decent teacher make
So this is how you use this crazy craft
To write some random nonsense is not art
And yet I don’t have much I should convey
I guess I’ll think of some another day.
If I can manage just a few more lines
I’ll be quite as good as Shakespeare’s ass
That used to fart a poem out everyday
And where it went I swear I cannot say.
lala. what to do when life is hell bent on converting one to a loon?....
you bring out the weirdo in me.
*dont know if thats good or bad*
btw, there is something about the way you write that makes me want to read more. most annoying i tell you. *shakes head*
to hell with all of those, for whom the hell
was made. indeed i curse them all to hell
for whom the hell was made. i hope we land
safe and sound. round and round. in i fall
love is all i know and yet i fall
i hope we make it home where rivers rush
and flow and all the fruits that grow for us
are hanging really low. then i will reach
up high and pick a fruit for me. all of
this i'll do. quietly then, when i
am dead. in heaven we will live forever.
*just making my presence felt*
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