Thursday, December 18, 2008

Blind Faith

I’d say he was right...
After a while...
If you're in the right head...
It won't be blind anymore...
Beneath the milky twilight...
Sickle shaped and weak...
Crumbling like old cheese...
Type scene...
Horses with wings and all...
Splitting the moon and meeting God

At the speed of light...
Coming back home

Beneath the milky twilight...
Like you never left...

But will never be the same...
After a while...

If you're still in the right head...
I’d say he was right.


Unanswered love

Oh yeah? aren't you radiant?
Why so glum my strange sad supernova gorgeous?
Green fresh grass trampled happily to death...
You walk mighty trace a line
Across my palm. i feign calm.
Tinkling bells, a feeling, love sells...
But aren't you the real thing?
Haven't you got eyebrows like an archer's dream?
Aren't you soft as a rain cloud inside whipped cream?
Oh man. it's hard to qualify.
You're the opposite of my brother's horrible singing
One touch...why was i so stupid?
Such a mess...but aren't you still radiant?
Then why so glum my strange sad supergorgeous nova?
I ask because it's clearly not about me...hahaha.
Distant lands, arms wide open
Mountains higher than the roof of the house where you live...d
Sparkled like the first stream
Of summer, full of free, flowing, ice-cold water; pure you love...d


At December 19, 2008 at 3:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll tell you ONE thing Umer, life was a whole lot easier a while ago. (sigh)

At December 19, 2008 at 8:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life is so shitty right now
feel like jumpin off .. maybe two steps.. nothing serious
Just plain ol' melodrama.

Hate having to hide behind the tag of anonymous. Ugh. I hate it.
Where is the bloody sunshine?

At December 20, 2008 at 8:05 AM , Blogger Duck said...

easy ho jao is a big word.

At December 21, 2008 at 10:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooooo tiger, i like.

yes, life is a big word...
from now on, banned for trivial use.




minimal thoughts about it.

nope, not helping much.

At December 22, 2008 at 4:22 AM , Blogger Duck said...

what about india? do you like india? would you say that you've enjoyed your life in india?

At December 22, 2008 at 11:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'eye brows like an archer's dream...'

sorry for the neglect billie but I have been confined to the college and held hostage by my own academic delinquencies for a while now, reluctantly of course. overseas friends, acquaintances and lovers too have me reigned in on a short leash for this week, i have been busy, reluctantly of course. The billie elder education trust fund has been established with just over a grand in the kitty and we shall make our trip to the libraries of famed intellectual patronage some time at my discretion probably after the end of this week, reluctantly but of course. I feel guilty but only momentarily, remember i'm in it for the long haul.

- yours, reluctantly

At December 24, 2008 at 9:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

do i like india? tricky na?

i dont know what india per se IS.
if i stick to basic faith, then boundaries dont matter at all. so there is no india.. and if i believe in the nationalistic version of it...
that doesnt say much either cuz i must have lived in like what..5 places... not enough to decide if i like it...

i dont mind places, they all happen to be fine.. its the people and well, the sense of utter hypocrisy that gets to me.

ask me on a really good day. i'll say yes.


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